
Ask Questions

Most massage and personal training clients have many questions. For instance, what should I wear? How long would it take? Where will the session occur? If you have any other questions that haven‘t been answered by the website please submit the form on this page and massage by Galen will do best to get back to you in a timely fashion.

Don’t see a answer to your question? Use our Contact Form to send us a message.

Most Frequent Question - Customer

What Can I Expect on My First Visit?

Each session is customized to the client. Upon arriving to your first visit, you’ll need to fill out a client intake form if one wasn’t previously completed online. The therapist will take a few minutes before the session begins to go over your medical history and discuss any restrictions or contraindications you may have before beginning the massage. The therapist will arrive early to perform intake.

Can my Massage be Cover by Medical Insurance?

Insurance payments are not accepted. However, flexible spending accounts and health savings account cards are accepted.

How often should I get a Massage?

Massage by Galen recommends that our clients get a one-hour massage a month. A client's personal goals for fitness, restoration, and relaxation might change the frequency of massage.

What are the benefits of a Massage?

Massage provides many physical and mental benefits and each individual could experience these benefits differently. Massage reduces stress, improves circulation in the body, reduces pain in achy joints and muscles, and can improve flexibility. Massage can also improve sleep, reduce fatigue, and enhance your immunity by stimulating the lymph nodes and recharging your immune system. Massage is a great help in relieving anxiety and depression by releasing endorphins in your system which can leave your feeling happy, energized, and at ease. After an injury or surgery, massage can be a great help in the rehabilitation process by reducing swelling and improving range of motion.

Protected by Our Code of Conduct

Undress to your level of comfort. If you'd prefer to leave on undergarments, be our guest. If you feel more comfortable nude, you may undress completely and position your body under the sheet. Therapists are trained to properly drape your body to protect your modesty and theirs.

What is Our Cancellation Policy

Appointment reminders are sent out via text and email. We kindly ask that you provide a 24 hour notice for any appointment that needs to be cancelled or rescheduled.


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